List of typical tasks to be performed by FBG:​​

Foresight Business Group

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Can you confidently answer the following questions?  

As a Program Management Consultant, Foresight Business Group (FBG) will take responsibility for analyzing project requirements, monitoring project financial health, developing quality improvement techniques, and reviewing project deliverables. 

  • Review the project budget vs. actual costs.

  • Review of scope and list of deliverables for achievability based on timeline and resources.

  • Evaluate project performance by analyzing schedule and cost variances.

  • Develop a Master Plan of current and upcoming projects to monitor schedule, resources, and projected expenses.

Copyright Foresight Business Group, LLC

  • Do you know if you are on task to meet your upcoming schedule?
  • Are you under, over, or on track of your originally planned budget vs your actual costs?
  • Do you know how your burden rate is calculated?
  • Do you know which projects are impacting positively and negatively to the company’s bottom line?
  • How sustainable are you today? Are you ready to grow, shrink, or stay as you are?